Boy vs. Girl

Boy vs. Girl
He, Her, Who?

Friday, April 2, 2010

For the Love of God!

So well anyways, my partner Archiee has been unable to possess the creative skill that is required to start a new topic of discussion. I guess she lacks the oomph needed to be somewhat anti-social, somewhat controversial. But no worries, I am here.. So I had been pondering over what to talk about.. And seeing how Archiee and I answer questions assuming the roles of the average guy and girl.. I wanted to ask, what is it that girls look for in a guy?

The ball is in your court Archiee... you better win a point before I take it game, set and match.


  1. I love a good smile =)

  2. And someone cute. A cute nice-smiling boy. Who is smart.

  3. ah.. thank you very much indeed for your inputs. to reply to anonymous, I have quite a smile and am still single, and hai der's post regarding cute probably sums up why :( :p

  4. lmao! hahah. hai der ;) is a guy. Just so you know, so you probably don't want his attention anyways!

  5. so is hai der gay? LOL i kid you hai.

  6. na but ur mofoo
    isnt jay enough 4 u

  7. Yes Hai der ;) is Gay.

  8. lol that last one above me was obviously not me stop impersonating me! :@

    Rest assured I will probably never say anything like that so you can pretty much asume wierd comments like that are not me.

    - hai der ;)
