Boy vs. Girl

Boy vs. Girl
He, Her, Who?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Whats With The Personal Attacks??

yeah i have noticed them... it has become like a friggin pattern now! you have attacked me in pretty much every post of yours... you have attacked pretty much my choice of girls... and the worst part is, YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WRONG ABOUT MY GIRL CHOICES!!!! i mean first you make the wrong assumptions and then you attack the wrong fellow!! for example even in your current post you have attacked not guys, but me! anyways... i have come to peace with the fact that girls will never understand sexist humor...
i have treated every girl i know with respect... when they have deserved it... anyone (boy or girl) who knows me knows that everyone who deserves any respect will be respected by me... you know that too... dont you archie? well anyways, i always fell for the sweet girls... yet i was always disappointed.. i know there isnt much in me to like... but still... i know im sexist, corny and what not, but i still think i'm sweet... bah! humbug... you're always talking about guys treating girls right... how come the other side of the coin has remained largely untouched? well whats the point... there are guy jerks who are always magnified by girls... and thats why the gentlemen have all died...
and you tell me that you aim higher.. you like challenges.. well if the guy doesnt like you back have the guts to handle that then! cuz when that happens.. all guys become shallow jerks! well you just did something equally shallow there missy! and i am not standing up for guys here! most of us are just as screwed up as most girls are! sadistic screwed up assholes... well still somethings never change... i guess some people will always go unnoticed in the background... even though they are yelling their heart out in the front row :(
sure there are many who will disagree, but that is not going to change my mind... :)


  1. For the record,

    Corny is in. Corny is funny/adorable. I love corny.

    - Hai Der ;)

    PS. Goodluck with whoever it is you seem to be talking about.

  2. 2 sides to a coin... u got that right dude...

    + rep!

  3. well aakash, what if the sweet girl in your perspective is 'SWEET' but different in mine.

    You may disagree, but i reserve the right to my opinion right. :)
