Boy vs. Girl

Boy vs. Girl
He, Her, Who?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A thought of you can make my heart skip a beat.

New topic? Well, yes finally, we have decided to end our argument. .
We would like YOU guys to suggest new ideas, anything you want :)
feel freee to suggest anything, anything really ;)
open your imagination and THINK.


PS. I have created my own blog recently..CHECK IT OUT..FOLLOW!!
oh yeah..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Away from the limelight, as long as i have you.

are you seriously saying that you were not attacking me?! well anyways, since you call it putting ideas out, i'll give you the benefit of doubt...
and as soon as i did that you attack me again.. anyways, along those lines, what if the jerks in your perspective are not jerks in mine??
no one brought to my opinion that i always talk negative about girls... i always knew i did that.. :)
and the answer to your why is wrong... mainly because the main question is wrong.. the main question should be why you fall for all the good looking jerks... and then the answer to your WHY? would be this... your shallow nature, you stupid brain and well the bitchy attitude that needs taming for some girls... and yeah sure there are awesome girls out there... i know so many.. i won't lie...
i won't rate this post... let the readers do that... i can say a million good things about girls... but then i can say 2 million bad things as well... and its harder to keep feelings within (for me at least) than to let them out...
your friend, and you, have a valid point.. but see its not that simple... because you crush 9 good guys for the 10th jerk... and then call him a jerk and stereotype all guys similarly...

thats all folks... cheers :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In your sight, in your Spotlight; that's all I want...

I don't think i really attacked you, i just you know put some ideas out. IF this and that.

So, anyway aakash, what if the sweet girl in your perspective is 'SWEET' but different in mine.

You may disagree, but i reserve the right to my opinion right. :)

So, a friend bought this to my attention that I’ve been talking about the jerk guys and the negative side of guys. So I guess I should take his word for it because, there are some guys who are fairly gentlemen..I gotta agree.

Well its kind of ironic though right? Cause we say so much shit, call them jerks, yet we still for them…There must be a reason…The positive end to this...

So, WHY?

Well its your smile, personality, humour and well chivalry for some guys…and that’s not all…but all im trying to say is, there are some pretty amazing guys out there who are worth it… =]

This post, I think, was not as worthy as previous ones..I mean all these good things were hard to express…Not that I am a negative person, its just really hard to express feelings… J

As I end off, I’d like to add something my friend Pooja said…

...If girls want they can see the good side

and honestly there are alot of jerk girls too out there. Its just that we judge too quickly. We just see the top layer of the onion, we don’t want peel and see the rest.

The thing is girls don’t go for the sweet, quite shy boys who are average looking

they have to go for the "Bad boys" and then we complain they are jerks?

Honestly, Girls themselves don’t know what they want

they cant all get the perfect man can they?? So in my opinion no one is a jerk, its the way we see things"

And just to add to that, when she says we don’t see the rest of the ‘onion’ well, that’s the problem. We fall for guys without seeing what they are like from the inside and when we find out, we say well he’s a jerk!!!

thats all for today,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Whats With The Personal Attacks??

yeah i have noticed them... it has become like a friggin pattern now! you have attacked me in pretty much every post of yours... you have attacked pretty much my choice of girls... and the worst part is, YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WRONG ABOUT MY GIRL CHOICES!!!! i mean first you make the wrong assumptions and then you attack the wrong fellow!! for example even in your current post you have attacked not guys, but me! anyways... i have come to peace with the fact that girls will never understand sexist humor...
i have treated every girl i know with respect... when they have deserved it... anyone (boy or girl) who knows me knows that everyone who deserves any respect will be respected by me... you know that too... dont you archie? well anyways, i always fell for the sweet girls... yet i was always disappointed.. i know there isnt much in me to like... but still... i know im sexist, corny and what not, but i still think i'm sweet... bah! humbug... you're always talking about guys treating girls right... how come the other side of the coin has remained largely untouched? well whats the point... there are guy jerks who are always magnified by girls... and thats why the gentlemen have all died...
and you tell me that you aim higher.. you like challenges.. well if the guy doesnt like you back have the guts to handle that then! cuz when that happens.. all guys become shallow jerks! well you just did something equally shallow there missy! and i am not standing up for guys here! most of us are just as screwed up as most girls are! sadistic screwed up assholes... well still somethings never change... i guess some people will always go unnoticed in the background... even though they are yelling their heart out in the front row :(
sure there are many who will disagree, but that is not going to change my mind... :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hey Hey you you, I don't like your girlfriend...

Alright, not everyone has as much time on their hands as Aakash does and I really can't be sorry for that. So, I 've been busy with school and the shitloads of things that i had to do.. So you can't really say i lack creativity :) Now, back to the point.

What girls look for in a guy...I can tell you what I look for, but ARE YOU SERIOUSLY saying I can speak for the billions. I lack knowledge about those other girls. But, if you're going to be falling for the beautiful snobs Aakash..They're going to look for the guy with the perfect face, hair, body, eyes, and I can just go on.. So try falling for an average girl, not like i can tell you to do that, that's totally up to you. So an average girl, all she wants is a guy that treats her well. And believe it or not, most girls don't get that...How hard can it be to treat us well..JERKS!

Now, as for looks, We're always going to aim for higher than what we can aim. We like challenges :)
And I know most girls love tall guys, a guy with a sweet personality. And Honestly, There isn't much..but not all girls are the same, just as I must agree, not all guys are the same. Some guys are plain jerks who ruin it for the nice ones.. but eh, not much to do about that.

I guess thats a lot of things laid for today, feel free to add to that because I'm sure some of you will disagreee :)

xox - kidgonewild.

P.S. - Would hai der mind telling me who he/she is???

Friday, April 2, 2010

For the Love of God!

So well anyways, my partner Archiee has been unable to possess the creative skill that is required to start a new topic of discussion. I guess she lacks the oomph needed to be somewhat anti-social, somewhat controversial. But no worries, I am here.. So I had been pondering over what to talk about.. And seeing how Archiee and I answer questions assuming the roles of the average guy and girl.. I wanted to ask, what is it that girls look for in a guy?

The ball is in your court Archiee... you better win a point before I take it game, set and match.