Boy vs. Girl

Boy vs. Girl
He, Her, Who?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hey Hey you you, I don't like your girlfriend...

Alright, not everyone has as much time on their hands as Aakash does and I really can't be sorry for that. So, I 've been busy with school and the shitloads of things that i had to do.. So you can't really say i lack creativity :) Now, back to the point.

What girls look for in a guy...I can tell you what I look for, but ARE YOU SERIOUSLY saying I can speak for the billions. I lack knowledge about those other girls. But, if you're going to be falling for the beautiful snobs Aakash..They're going to look for the guy with the perfect face, hair, body, eyes, and I can just go on.. So try falling for an average girl, not like i can tell you to do that, that's totally up to you. So an average girl, all she wants is a guy that treats her well. And believe it or not, most girls don't get that...How hard can it be to treat us well..JERKS!

Now, as for looks, We're always going to aim for higher than what we can aim. We like challenges :)
And I know most girls love tall guys, a guy with a sweet personality. And Honestly, There isn't much..but not all girls are the same, just as I must agree, not all guys are the same. Some guys are plain jerks who ruin it for the nice ones.. but eh, not much to do about that.

I guess thats a lot of things laid for today, feel free to add to that because I'm sure some of you will disagreee :)

xox - kidgonewild.

P.S. - Would hai der mind telling me who he/she is???


  1. Now why would you be interested in me?


  2. cuz she is in love with a stranger?

  3. Thats odd.

    Shes in love with a gay man.

    Tough Luck. =(

    -hair der ;)

  4. LOL! so hai der is gay... hmm.. are you adam lambert? or george bush?

  5. Was that suppose to be funny.

    I love Adam Lambert.
    Whattaya want from me?

    George Bush can go wank of to war porn or whatever it is he's in to.

    Hello. KidGoneWild ;)

    - Hai der ;)

    PS. I wanna make a blog too =O

  6. LOL! you know what dude... you ought to give us a hint as to who you are... even Sherlock Holmes needed clues..

  7. You know I`m male.
    And I love Adam Lambert.
    Im clearly not in grade 10 or I might have been writing the literacy test today
    I clearly at least one of your friends on facebook to come across this page.
    And I like cute-nice-smiling guys.

    Thats a lot of clues!
    =) Play detective.

    -Hai Der ;)

  8. ayy hai der ;)
    wanna tell ME.
    i like you.

  9. LOLL ahh the fine art of seduction?

  10. hai prick,

    just tell us who u r, no one gives 2 dingle berries about the detective game...

  11. Its hard for a women to seduce a gay man? She can try.

    But I like you too anyways ;D

    But my love for you must stay hidden =(. I don't want all those other nasty boys who like you to beat me up and stuff. Ya know.

    - Hai Der.

  12. then what's the point of your "love" :|
    no, you're not cool to me anymore.

    give me this clue : do you even know me?
